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Showing posts from July 14, 2024

Keeping it Real of Faking it till we make it ?

Right off the bat, I want to clearly state that being 'real' doesn't account to one being rude, and 'faking it' doesn't entirely equal to a villainous fabrication of reality. Being social animals that we are, the goal is to perhaps hit that sweet spot right in the middle of the two. Let me explain.  I have a gorgeous, sweet friend named Alisha who's been a pal of mine since we were 18. Sorry Alisha for sharing this story without your say in it, but I hope you will like the conclusion I have derived from this.  So, we're in our 30's now, and when she visited Kathmandu last year we got to hang out again and indulge in our silly little banters like old times. We caught up on a few important things going on in our lives, but I was not prepared to get caught off guard when she shared of a conversation we once had when we were still in our teens. Apparently, she had shared with me her dream of one day becoming an English TV News Reader to which she said I