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Showing posts from July 23, 2024

Navigating media and social media as a Nepali woman

Back in 2016, I happen to share a personal opinion of mine on national tv that haunts me till this day. The witch-hunt of it continuing on my social media even today for something that happened 8 years ago! I will not go to the details of what it was, its out there on YouTube and you’re welcome to watch it. The topic was about inter-caste relationships and marriage. Sure, I could’ve worded better. Sure, I hurt the sentiments of my indigenous community for which I was deeply apologetic. But I am not so sure if I deserved to be on the receiving end of such slut-shaming and much soul-crushing vilification.   And that’s the thing about being a Nepali woman on the Internet — you have to tiptoe around blatant patriarchy. Your mistakes are not a mistakes of a human being, but of a woman—and that’s the worst kind.  Recently, another TV controversy sparked the Nepali social media sphere. And soon we saw people taking sides. The public enjoyed declaring their heroes and their villains in thi